There are four crucial math concepts children need to know before entering first grade. Without a good grounding in these four areas, children will struggle and be unable to work beyond first grade math. The good news is that acquiring these four math skills is not hard to do.
The first math skill children should master is being able to count in order (1 to 10, then 11 to 100). This is best done by using manipulatives such as an abacus, Cuisenaire Rods, etc... Have your child count in real world situations like setting the dinner table for six. Initially, it's normal for children to skip numbers. If a child doesn't understand this concept, then he will always be counting incorrectly due to double counting or skipping an item. The idea is a simple one, as a child counts, he should only be pointing to one item per number. This is a skill that can be mastered quickly with a little practice.

The third math skill children should master is the ability to recognize a quantity of objects without counting (up to ten). This will greatly improve a child's speed and fluency with the first ten numbers. A quick and easy way to practice this skill is by having a child hold up a certain number of fingers and then quickly identifying how many fingers are up. At various times I have played a lighting round of "Guess how many fingers I have up?" with my young children. Being able to write and read numbers is the last math skill a child should know before going on to first grade math. Take this in several steps by first having your child use the sense of touch (i.e. sandpaper numbers) at the same time that he is saying the number. The actual process of writing involves several steps, so you may need to break it down so that your child only practices one step at a time. For example: how to hold a pencil, what a specific number looks like, and how to use the fingers to write a number. You can make this process fun by playing various games incorporating the skills.
By teaching four essential mathematical skills, Kindergartners will be well prepared for First Grade. Be patient and make the learning process as fun as possible, and before long those Kindergartners will be wowing you with their mathematical knowledge.


Searching for 5th Grade Math Worksheets to help your child enhance their math skills is extremely important, but the search can be frustrating. Chances are that you're looking for something a bit different in 5th Grade Math Worksheets.
You're seeking some help to bring your child to a level they should be with their math skills.
You're making strides toward a successful future for your child by providing them with additional resources outside the traditional learning environment. (After all, children are like sponges. Their ability to learn far surpasses ours. Give them opportunity!)

It may be the end of the school year and you're searching something fun yet educational for your child to do during the summer.
You're a teacher or a homeschooler looking to provide something a bit different to engage your children.
So what's a concerned parent/teacher to do? It really requires evaluating what's available in 5th Grade Math Worksheets that have attempted to move to the next level in education and engagement.
When's the last time that you wanted to spend more time doing something you hated and dreaded? Top that off with seeing no reason for the chore you so dread in the first place and you have a complete and total recipe for disaster.
High quality 5th Grade Math Worksheets help children understand critical math concepts, enjoy and see their progress, and most importantly, retain the skills necessary to successfully progress through school. Hard work and dedication are traits that are directly correlated to future success so we want to be sure to encourage this.
The simply constructed traditional math worksheets only require students to focus on answering the problem. We need children to understand the concept, be engaged, and have fun doing it.


Have you noticed your child making excuses not to go to school on those days when he has math? Have you noticed a decrease in his exam grades? Do you ever see them doing any math homework at home?
You could start by showing a casual interest in their homework books. A visit to school to speak to their teacher should shed a good light on whether your child is finding math difficult. Many 8th grade math students find the jump in the type of math taught to be a lot more different to the math they were doing in earlier years. Percentages, decimals and fractions and well as numbers with exponents can look extremely complicated to children who have been used to dealing with the good old fashioned whole numbers and doing math questions that involved addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Not all parents have the time or the inclination, and often, the patience and ability to teach 8th grade math to their kids in a way that will help their children to improve their math scores. If this is the situation you are in, a way around it would be to find a good online math learning environment that encompasses the math modules your child is covering at school presently.
Look for qualified teaching staff, good, visual, clear online tutorials and examples and step-by-step problem solving which would be easy for your child to follow. Look for examples which clearly demonstrate the principles taught in the lesson. Sometimes, these online learning programs will have free tutorials you can get access to. The good thing about finding someone near your home is that you won't be spending a lot of time or petrol driving your child to and from the tutors house. All these might seem like little inconsequential costs but they tend to add up over time and, when included with the cost of having a personal tutor on a weekly basis, you'll find yourself paying out a lot of money in an effort to raise your child's trigonometry and geometry grades.


1st grade math worksheets and my Mom's math teaching style. Math won't be as terrible as it seems if parents take interest in preparing their little ones for math before school age. I grew up not understanding how it is that people talk about math as difficult as they do, it was my best subject at school.

It was easy because of my upbringing that ensured that math and I got acquainted long before school. My mother who was a primary grade teacher told me how she began teaching me math in different guises at home before I got to school age.

I remember that with my Mom everything was somehow connected to math. She made me count the buttons in my shirt as she dressed me up, asked questions that demanded answers that are related to sums, like how many pair of shoes do you have? How many buttons are there on your Daddy's shirt? Count all the furniture in the living room and several math games.

All my toys were one way or the other math related. I had puzzles, and tons of things Mom had me do as games on daily basis at home to get me ready for kindergarten! In fact, she continued guiding me towards being math friendly throughout kindergarten and first grade during which time 1st grade math worksheets was my constant companion.

Practice surely makes perfect and I am very gratefully to Mom for taking her time to familiarize me with math even as a child.

Every activity can include math! Today, go to Math Made Easy to learn about the software that can guide your kids through math of all sorts successfully.



Kids in grade two are around 6 - 7 years of age in most schools around the world. In grade two math, kids have many new things to learn and also they have to explore many concepts they have learned in grade one. There are the following main topics, grade two math kids need to introduce with and they need to learn.

1. Taking numbers to higher level: Basically in grade one, kids have learned counting from 1 to 100 and writing the numbers from one to twenty in words. In grade two, it is a good time to teach higher numbers, such as numbers greater than one hundred and students should know at least up to thousands.

2. Place value: As students can count numbers beyond hundred, they should be introduced with the concept of place value. Kids in grade two at least know the place value to thousands.

3. Rounding numbers: Rounding numbers to nearest tens, to nearest hundreds and nearest thousands is another key math skill kids in grade two should be comfortable doing it.

4. Types of numbers: In hundreds chart kids should be introduced with even and odd numbers in grade two.

5. Skip counting: Skip counting is another skill that can be introduced to grade two kids using the hundred chart. The even and odd numbers are actually the skip counting by two's. Also kids in grade two should know the skip counting by 5's and 10's.

6. Geometric Shapes: Kids in second grade should have a good special knowledge, which means, kids should be given the opportunity to learn the basic two dimensional and three dimensional shapes.

7. Fractions: Fractions can be said to be the basic foundation of mathematics, as without learning fractions, kids can't be successful in math and many skills in daily life. Second grade kids should be introduced with basic fraction models to familiarize them with wholes, halves, quarters and three quarters.

8. Patterns: Simple number patterns, shape patterns or patterns using letters from alphabet are a good way to introduce grade two kids with patterns.

9. Addition: As addition is one of the math operations, in grade two, kids should know how to add one digit numbers vertically and horizontally.

10. Subtraction: Subtracting numbers up to 50 is another very important math skill needs to be learned by grade two kids. If they feel it very easy to subtract two digit numbers, give them three digit subtraction without regrouping.

Above is the list and range of basic math topics average grade two students learn. There can be less or more of these topics covered in different schools, but if a grade two student learn all the above topics from the list, he/she must score best grades in higher math.


Suppose you were to ask a student learning how to subtract two digit numbers the question "What is 25 minus 18?". Let us look at how the student learns mathematics. Students first learn how to count. Everything is reasoned with the real world. 1 apple, 2 apples and so on. Most students understand this and counting things will not be a problem. In fact counting in some form is built in for most creatures albeit limited for all except humans. This form of counting has been seen in the most basic of ancient humans where things were either existing as 1 unit, 2 units or many (more than 2). To see this, ask yourself what is 8 minus 5 and then what is 2 minus 1? Both are of the same level of difficulty but the problem 2 minus 1 is more hardwired deep in the brain where as 8 minus 5 is a learned function from school. It should be the case that 2 minus 1 is done quicker than 8 minus 5.
Making the connection with the real world to learn Mathematics is a well meaning intention of teachers but will hold the student back (sooner or later). Consider the student now learning how to subtract. The teacher showing the student 3 apples and saying "3 apples takeaway 1 apple is 2 apples" and removes one apple. This is how subtraction is learned worldwide. The student may repeat "1 apple takeaway 3 apples" and the teacher would stop them. "No, you can not takeaway 3 apples if you have 1" or something to the effect which would fuse into students that subtraction only works when the number being reduced is larger than the amount to reduce.

The end result is that when the student sees 25 minus 18 then sees the 5 and 8 and reasons that it must be 8 minus 5 as 5 minus 8 makes no sense! When students learn two digit subtraction the subtle ideas may be missed. The problem here was that mathematics is taught as if it is natural to the real world. Negative numbers have no meaning in the real world. We can not show the student a negative apple.
We need to teach students the rules of mathematics "as is" and should show connections to the real world secondly. Students can naturally learn rules, be it rules to a game or structuring a sentence. It just so happens that the students play games and structure sentences naturally and they can learn to naturally think about mathematics as well.


Most parents would want their child to have the best possible education they can afford to learn language, mathematics, arts, sciences, and other subjects that might be the basic building blocks to their higher learning when they enter high school and the university. Good early education can help in encouraging a kid to want to learn more and discover his learning capacity that can lead to his passions and career path.
But before any more complex educational expectations, most kids would not want to study mathematics because they feel they are not good with its concepts and ended up having poor academic performance at school. Some kids have a negative perception of numbers in their minds that they might have gotten from their parents who is not good with math themselves and openly admit to their weakness. But there is a way around in conquering this general disdain for numbers that can be use by parents, tutors, and teachers in helping the kids cope with the demand of mathematics.

First, as adults, you must understand the general process flow of the learning progression of a child and the best way for them to learn things.When your kid was smaller, he used to learn from what you tell him. You can touch the dog and utter the word "dog" giving the animal a name. In no time will your toddler will be able to identify the dog by seeing, touching, smelling, and hearing its name. As he grows older, he later learns to draw a picture of the dog from his mind and be able to call it by its name. The process can show you that learning progression for kids start with the concrete (dog), to semi-concrete (the drawing) and then to abstract (the spoken word). For your child to learn math, you must also follow the learning progression flow. You can use manipulatives to be able to introduce a new concept of math to your kid.
Second, engaging your kid to thoroughly learn the math facts that includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The most recommended teaching technique would be the use of flash cards and math drills to instill in their young minds the basics of math operations.
Also, try mnemonics to ease recall of memorization. Try using common listings for mnemonics like the family list that says "Daddy, Mother, Sister, Brother, Cousins, Relatives indicates the steps for long division which is in words is actually "divide, multiply, subtract, bring down, compare, repeat or remainder".
You can get creative in helping your child learn mathematics with enjoyment. Many online math games are also available so your kid can play and learn from these interactive sites. Take your time and be patient with you child so he can appreciate learning more about math.


Mathematics is and has always been a dreaded subject for children. But there is more fun to math than learning the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, or of memorizing the multiplication tables and the algorithms of algebra. Kids should see Math as something practical, helpful, exciting, fun, easy and even wonderful. The more we expose our kids to the good and fun side of Math the easier it would be for them to develop a feel and love for numbers and make math easier and more worthwhile for them.

How Can Math Be Both Fun and Easy?

When you create activities for your kids to do at home you do not just create these activities to keep them focused on something. You create these activities to teach them new concepts and to make them learn at the same time keeping them busy. With Math, there is no need to make things harder for your kids because it is easy to incorporate Math into their daily life. What you need is to devise ways to make the learning fun and easy. Just asking your child to do an errand for you and asking him to count the change is an easy way of teaching him Math. The counting of the change involves number recognition while making sure the change is correct involves the basics of subtraction. This will also show to your child that computing is easy and not something to be afraid of.
You, as a parent, can always be a part of the fun and exciting experience with your child/children. You can be a part of the exploration, solving and finding that your child needs to do by looking into their needs and the tools that you can use in teaching them Math with fun and ease.
Math can be fun and easy if you use everyday objects and situations in teaching your kids the basics. Like you can use objects around the house to teach them to count like eggs in the refrigerator, cookies in the jar or pairs of socks in the drawer. You can teach them one-to-one correspondence by letting them put the eggs in a 12 piece tray, putting socks into pairs or pairing spoons with forks. You can even teach them how to solve problems by asking them to share food or things and by sharing they learn how to divide food or things among themselves. Take a look at all the activities we enumerated above - there is no pressure or strain on your child/children to learn all these. Yet all these activities are Math lessons that your child/children should learn at home and at school. Aren't these fun and easy ways for your child/children to learn Math?

How Do Kids Learn and Enjoy Math

With kids, learning new things is always fun, exciting, stimulating and energizing. In all of these they are not even aware that they are learning and starting to enjoy Math. These Math home concepts they encounter in their daily lives will make their school learning easy and simple.
Kids learn and enjoy through fun activities like games, catchy tunes and diminutive adult activities. Activities that you can share with your child/children and which you will both enjoy should not make them feel like school learning but will expose them to various Math concepts which will later help them excel in school and in life. So the key word in making kids learn and enjoy Math is FUN!